
9 products

    Taxiphyllum is a genus of aquatic mosses belonging to the family Hypnaceae. These mosses are commonly used in the aquarium hobby as they can grow attached to various surfaces such as rocks, driftwood, and substrate. Taxiphyllum mosses are known for their bright green coloration and small, intricately branched leaves.

    Some of the popular species of Taxiphyllum include Taxiphyllum barbieri (also known as Java moss), Taxiphyllum sp. 'flame', and Taxiphyllum sp. 'Taiwan'. Java moss is the most widely known species of Taxiphyllum and is commonly used in aquascaping for its ease of cultivation and ability to create a natural-looking environment in aquariums.

    In addition to their aesthetic appeal, Taxiphyllum mosses also provide many benefits to aquarium inhabitants. They can serve as a hiding place for small fish and invertebrates, as well as a food source for some aquatic animals. Taxiphyllum mosses can also help to stabilize the aquarium environment by absorbing excess nutrients and producing oxygen through photosynthesis.

    9 products
    Taxiphyllum Barbieri (Java Moss) for Fish Tank & Terrarium Aquarium Plants Factory®
    Taxiphyllum Barbieri (Java Moss) for Fish Tank & Aquarium Plants Factory®
    Java Moss
    Sale price $6.99 Regular price $8.99
    Sold Out
    Java Moss on Handmade Stone Pad - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Java Moss on Handmade Stone Pad - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Java Moss Coco Pad
    Java Moss - Tissue Culture Aquarium Plants Factory
    Java Moss In Vitro Tissue Culture APF Aquarium Plants Factory®
    Java Moss Tissue Culture
    Sale price $12.99 Regular price $19.99
    Taxiphyllum Spiky Moss - Tissue Culture Cup - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Spiky Moss Tissue Culture
    Sale price $9.99 Regular price $19.99
    Taxiphyllum sp. Peacock Moss Stainless Steel Mesh | APF Aquarium Plants Factory®
    Peacock Moss
    Sale price $7.99 Regular price $9.99
    Taxiphyllum Spiky Moss - Tissue Culture Cup - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Taxiphyllum sp. Giant Tissue Culture
    Sale price $9.99 Regular price $19.99
    Peacock Moss Coconut Shell
    Peacock Moss Coco Pad
    Taxiphyllum Alternans / Taiwan Moss Stainless Steel Mesh | APF Aquarium Plants Factory®
    Taiwan Moss Coco Pad
    Spiky Moss Coconut Shell
    Spiky Moss Coco Pad
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