Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly': A Rare Gem for Your Aquarium
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Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly': A Rare Gem for Your Aquarium

Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly': A Rare Gem for Your Aquarium

If you're searching for a rare and unique plant to elevate your aquarium's aesthetics, look no further than Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly'. This extraordinary moss-like plant is known for its butterfly-shaped leaves, offering a striking visual appeal that's perfect for any aquascape. Its rarity and beauty make it a prized possession among aquarium enthusiasts, especially for those looking to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to their tank.

Plagiomnium sp. Butterfly, commonly known as Butterfly Moss, is a rare and exquisite aquarium moss that adds a touch of elegance and natural beauty to any aquatic setup. This unique moss is highly sought after by aquarists for its distinctive leaf shape and vibrant green color.

What is Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly'?

Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' is a moss-like plant often mistaken for liverworts or ferns due to its delicate, overlapping leaf structure. Native to Southeast Asia, this rare species is sought after for its dense, carpet-like growth, which forms lush, green clusters reminiscent of butterfly wings. Unlike other mosses, Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' has larger, more defined leaves, giving it an almost sculptural quality.

Key Features of Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly':

  • Appearance: Small, oval-shaped leaves arranged in a butterfly-like pattern, forming dense green mats.
  • Growth Habit: Grows horizontally across surfaces, creating a carpet effect.
  • Size: Can grow up to 2-4 inches tall and spread widely over time.
  • Hardiness: Moderate to difficult care, making it ideal for intermediate to advanced aquarists.

Benefits of Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' in Aquariums:

  1. Unique Aesthetic Appeal: The distinctive butterfly-shaped leaves make this plant a conversation starter and an eye-catching addition to any aquascape.
  2. Versatile Use: It can be used as a foreground carpet, attached to rocks or driftwood, or even grown emersed in terrariums.
  3. Natural Habitat for Shrimp and Fry: The dense, bushy growth provides excellent hiding places for small fish, shrimp, and fry, creating a more natural and secure environment.
  4. Water Quality Improvement: Like other plants, Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' helps absorb excess nutrients from the water, which can reduce algae growth and improve overall water quality.

Optimal Care for Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly'

1. Lighting Requirements

Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' thrives in moderate to high lighting conditions, which promotes its compact growth and vibrant green color.

  • Light Intensity: Moderate to high (30-60 PAR).
  • Duration: 8-10 hours of light per day.
  • Tip: Avoid placing the plant in shaded areas of the tank, as low light can cause it to grow leggy and lose its dense structure.

2. Water Parameters

This plant prefers stable, clean water with low organic waste. Consistent water changes and good filtration are key to keeping it healthy.

  • Temperature: 68-78°F (20-25°C).
  • pH Level: 5.5-7.0.
  • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (2-10 dGH).
  • Filtration: Gentle water flow is ideal to prevent the delicate leaves from being dislodged or damaged.

3. CO2 and Fertilization

While Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' can survive without CO2 supplementation, it will thrive and grow much faster in a CO2-enriched environment.

  • CO2: Recommended for optimal growth, especially in high-light setups.
  • Fertilization: Liquid fertilizers with micronutrients (like iron) are essential for maintaining its vibrant green coloration. Regular dosing will support healthy, dense growth.

4. Planting and Propagation

Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' grows best when attached to rocks, driftwood, or other hardscape elements.

  • Attaching: Use fishing line or aquarium-safe glue to secure small clumps of the plant to hard surfaces. Over time, it will naturally anchor itself and spread.
  • Propagation: The plant propagates through division. Simply separate healthy sections from the main cluster and reattach them in new areas of the tank.

Common Problems and Solutions

1. Slow Growth

Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' can be a slow grower, especially without CO2 supplementation.

  • Solution: If you're aiming for faster growth, consider adding CO2 to your setup and ensuring the plant receives sufficient light and nutrients.

2. Melting or Discoloration

If the plant’s leaves begin to melt or turn yellow, it may be due to poor water quality or inadequate light.

  • Solution: Perform regular water changes to maintain pristine conditions, and ensure the plant receives adequate light and fertilizers.

3. Algae Growth

Because Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' grows slowly, it can be prone to algae buildup if exposed to too much light or if nutrient levels are imbalanced.

  • Solution: Keep light intensity moderate and balance nutrient levels. Introducing algae-eating species like Amano shrimp can also help.

Tank Mates for Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly'

Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' is compatible with a wide range of peaceful tank inhabitants. It’s especially popular in shrimp tanks and nano aquariums.

  • Fish: Ideal tank mates include small, peaceful species like tetras, rasboras, and dwarf gouramis.
  • Shrimp: Cherry shrimp, crystal shrimp, and Amano shrimp will thrive with this plant, as it provides a natural grazing area and protection.
  • Snails: Nerite snails and other small, non-plant-eating snails are great companions, as they help keep the plant clean without damaging it.

Avoid housing this plant with large, plant-eating fish like goldfish or cichlids, as they can uproot or damage its delicate structure.

Pruning and Maintenance

Pruning is essential to keep Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' from becoming too thick and blocking light from reaching the lower layers. Regular trimming will also encourage healthy new growth.

  • How to Prune: Use small, sharp scissors to trim excess growth. Be gentle, as the plant is delicate.
  • Cleaning: If debris accumulates on the plant, gently swish it in the tank water to dislodge particles without disturbing its roots.


Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' is truly a rare gem in the aquarium world. Its unique butterfly-shaped leaves and dense growth pattern make it an excellent choice for aquarists looking to add a touch of elegance to their tanks. Although it requires a bit more care than some other plants, the rewards of having this rare species thrive in your aquarium are well worth the effort.

By following this care guide, you'll be able to maintain a healthy, beautiful carpet of Plagiomnium sp. 'Butterfly' that will enhance the natural beauty of your aquascape.

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