Floating Plants | Aquarium Plants Factory

Floating Plants

9 products

    Floating plants are a popular group of aquatic plants that are known for their ability to float on the surface of the water. They are commonly used in aquariums, ponds, and other aquatic environments to provide aesthetic appeal and functional benefits.

    Some popular floating plants include water lettuce, duckweed, water hyacinth, and Amazon frogbit. These plants can be easy to care for and require little maintenance. They can tolerate a wide range of water parameters and can help to improve water quality by absorbing excess nutrients and producing oxygen through photosynthesis.

    Floating plants can provide a variety of benefits to aquatic environments. They can help to reduce the amount of light that penetrates the water and prevent the growth of algae. They can also provide hiding places and shelter for fish and other aquatic inhabitants. Additionally, some floating plants can help to absorb toxins and pollutants from the water, making it a healthier environment for fish and other aquatic life.

    However, it is important to note that floating plants can also become invasive in some regions and should not be released into natural water bodies. It is also important to monitor the growth of floating plants and remove any excess growth to prevent them from taking over the surface of the water and limiting gas exchange.

    Overall, floating plants can be a great addition to any aquarium or pond setup, providing both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits.

    9 products
    Salvinia Minima - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Salvinia Minima - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Salvinia Minima
    Salvinia Cucullata Floating Pond Water Garden Aquarium Plants Factory®
    Salvinia Cucullata Float Pond Water Garden Aquarium Plants Factory®
    Salvinia Cucullata
    Duckweed - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Duckweed - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Azolla Caroliniana, commonly known as Carolina Mosquito Fern, is a premium floating aquatic plant that adds a unique touch to any aquarium or pond. Known for its delicate, feathery appearance and rapid growth, Azolla Caroliniana is perfect for creating a lush, natural look on the water's surface.
    One of the notable features of Azolla is its unique growth habit. It forms small floating clusters or mats on the water's surface, creating a green carpet-like appearance. The plant consists of tiny, scale-like leaves that are densely packed together, providing a visually appealing texture.
    Azolla (Fairy Moss)
    Salvinia Natans - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Salvinia Natans, also known as Floating Watermoss, is a versatile and attractive floating plant that can add a touch of natural beauty to any aquarium or pond. With its small, oval leaves covered in fine hairs, this plant provides a unique texture and aesthetic appeal. Salvinia Natans is known for its fast growth rate and ability to thrive in various water conditions, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists.
    Salvinia Natans
    Hydrocotyle Leucocephala - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Hydrocotyle Leucocephala - Aquarium Plants Factory
    Hydrocotyle Leucocephala
    from $9.99
    Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus fluitans) are a striking and vibrant addition to any freshwater aquarium or pond. Known for their beautiful red roots and green leaves that turn a stunning reddish hue under optimal conditions, these floating plants add a unique and eye-catching element to aquatic landscapes.
    Red Root Floater
    Looking for a beautiful and unique addition to your pond, aquarium, or water garden? Look no further than Trapa natans, also known as water chestnut!  This aquatic plant species is native to Europe and Asia and produces a nut-like fruit that resembles a chestnut, adding a touch of natural beauty to any aquatic environment. Water chestnut is also known for its edible fruit, which is a good source of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and minerals.
    Trapa natans, commonly known as water chestnut or water caltrop, is an aquatic plant species that is native to Asia, Europe, and Africa. It has floating leaves that form rosettes on the water's surface and produces distinctive fruits that resemble spiny chestnuts.
    Trapa Natans
    from $19.99
    Ceratopteris Siliquosa, commonly known as Water Sprite, is a highly versatile and fast-growing aquatic plant that can transform any aquarium into a lush, green oasis. Known for its delicate, fern-like leaves and easy care requirements, Water Sprite is an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists. This plant can be used as a floating plant, a midground anchor, or as a background plant, offering flexibility in aquascaping designs.
    Ceratopteris Siliquosa Tissue Culture
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